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Download PS3 Red Light Fix Guide

My PS3 have Red and Yellow Light Symptoms!

I have had the Yellow Light of Death problem and when you contact Sony they simply claim that you have to fork out $300 to get the problem fixed! There are also no guarantees ...

PS3 Red and Yellow Light

Can I Disassembly My PS3?

Yes! You can. With a proper repair guide with video, you can do it as easy as a professional ps3 repairman ...

Disassembly PS3

The Main Problem Is In The Hardware Part!

According to the PS3 users feedback, 90% of errors are in the hardware part. Especialally related to the motherboard overheat ...

PS3 Motherboard Fix

How To Fix PS3 Red Screen Error.

PS3 Red Screen Error is also a common fault in PS3 game console, the most possible fixes is in the part of the repair guide ...

PS3 Motherboard Fix

PS3 Freezes? Check Your Blu-Ray Drive!

PS3 got freezes? You must check the blu-ray drive. The main symptom is PS3 got hang up when playing games ...

PS3 Blu-Ray Drive Error

Can't Boot Up? Your Hard Disk Crashed!

Nothing serious than can't boot up your PS3 console! That's right, your hard disk may got failure. Follow the step-by-step repair kit to do recovery ...

PS3 Hard Disk Recovery
Latest PS3 Recovery Posts

Suspect your PS3 Blu-Ray Drive got errors and need to replace it? You can find many PS3 parts include blu-ray disc drive in eBay :

After bought the blu-ray drive, you can follow the repair materials in PS3RedLightsFix to replace it. It's not hard indeed!
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Searching for a way in order to resolve the playstation 3 blinking red light problem? Have you may enjoy your best video game and suddenly your PS3 receives a odd blinking red light? If you are searching for a method to correct this, than you're around the proper target! Below you will discover what steps you need to carry in order to enjoy your best video game with your Playstation 3 once again now!

By the way to fix the RLOD problem in your Playstation 3, Carrying out Playstation 3 red light repair by yourself is far easy. Fundamentally with the video lessons handle Playstation 3 red light flashing fix, PS3 orange light repair, PS3 Red light fix and other information. Check out the web page here to teach you how to get your PS3 Red Light Fix . By purely having the process to repair PS3 red light issue by your hand. The PS3 red light is not an frustrating problem again.

Theoretically, the Playstation 3 red light blinking problem must not even occur. Appears to be I was in require of fixing my PS3 Red Light Flashing issue. If you want to check what way to get your Ps3 red light problem to be fixed, Applying a PS3 Repair Guide is also an alternative method where you can repair your PS3 red light error in a step-by-step way. Now, please take a look to the PS3 Red Light Repair Guide.

In the repair guide, there are text and video tutorials let you easy to follow the step in order to fix the issue by yourself. Remember, the author is so kind to help their customer. Each step is clear and you can pause it and do it yourself. No need to hurry the all process, just move with your own speed. It's not so hard to repair PS3 internal parts. Because I also use his tutorials to help many of my friend's PS3 game console.

A good written PS3 Repair Guide let you no need to learn any repair skills in order to work by your own hand. A good PS3 Repair Guide can show you the exactly steps to working with. A good PS3 repair guide no need to find other repair manual to work with. Now I show you the ideal and perfect PS3 Repair Guide now, Let's Go !

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Here is a user reported the famous PS3 Red Light Blinking Errors :

Here is the video he posted :

I have a Sony PS3 60 GB. Okay and now getting a problem call the red light of the death or yellow light of death . It's a solid red in the console first, then go turn on and give me a flashing red. It's really sucks - I can't play any games. I can't forget these situation. The game is stuck inside the drive and I can't pull out in any method. Now I let it cool down. I move it out of the shelf to the table but it's too late. I called support they say I had to wait for four hours to five hours to get the answer...

It's headache to ask Sony for help because they only want your money. What can I do?

Normally every PS3 gamers think that Sony can help them to fix the red light blinking errors. But actually it's not. Why? Because the same symptom will happen again!

It's not a problem can't be solved. I had suggested hundreds of gamers to buy a PS3 Repair Kit product. It's a membership of a completed PS3 repair tutorials which in text and video. You won't need any skills to do it - You just follow the step-by-step video and you are done! Still worry about your PS3?

>>> Take Me To The Repair Kit Now!
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